Top Competitors — HackerRank Solutions
In this post we are going to discuss the Top Competitors — HackerRank Solution.
So the problem statement is as follows:
Julia just finished conducting a coding contest, and she needs your help assembling the leaderboard!
- Write a query to print the respective hacker_id and name of hackers who achieved full scores for more than one challenge.
- Order your output in descending order by the total number of challenges in which the hacker earned a full score.
- If more than one hacker received full scores in same number of challenges, then sort them by ascending hacker_id.
Input Format
The following tables contain contest data:
- Hackers: The hacker_id is the id of the hacker, and name is the name of the hacker.

- Difficulty: The difficult_level is the level of difficulty of the challenge, and score is the score of the challenge for the difficulty level.

- Challenges: The challenge_id is the id of the challenge, the hacker_id is the id of the hacker who created the challenge, and difficulty_level is the level of difficulty of the challenge.

- Submissions: The submission_id is the id of the submission, hacker_id is the id of the hacker who made the submission, challenge_id is the id of the challenge that the submission belongs to, and score is the score of the submission.

Understanding Tables:
- You can see that we have 4 different tables and each tables are related to each others with a foreign key.
- Submissions table Related To Challenges Table BY challenge_id
- Challenges table Related To Difficulty Table BY difficulty_level
- Hackers table Related To Submissions Table BY hacker_id
Solving the Question:
- As we need to find the id and name of hacker with full score in more than 1 challenge,that means we need to somehow compare the scores of the hacker with the score in the difficulty table.
- Since both the values are in different tables we will need to relate them by either WHERE clause or By using JOINS.
- We will use both the methods to see how it works .
- So lets start.
Top Competitors — HackerRank Solution Using Where Clause:
select h.hacker_id, from
hackers h,
challenges c ,
difficulty d,
submissions s
where h.hacker_id=s.hacker_id
and c.challenge_id=s.challenge_id
and c.difficulty_level=d.difficulty_level
and s.score=d.score
group by h.hacker_id, having count(h.hacker_id)>1
order by count(s.score) desc,h.hacker_id
- We first select the id and name from hackers Table.
- Now as discussed earlier that tables are related to each others with foreign keys so we use it to fetch the records from different tables.
- We use Group By to group the hackers who has participated in more than one challenge Since it is asked in the question.
- Now the last step is to sort them , so we use order by to sort them in descending order of the count of the scores i.e number of challenges in which the hacker has got full scores , and if the count is same we sort them as per the hacker id.
Top Competitors- HackerRank Solution Using Joins:
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